2019 Aspirations

I’m not one for setting New Years resolutions but, I decided when writing my 2018 recap I wanted to make some goals and aspirations for the year ahead. I am well aware that we are already on the 5th January but I’ve been busy enjoying the New Year.


I recently wrote a post about how we can’t even think about helping someone else before looking after ourselves. Looking after yourself is at the most basic level is taking time and doing something that you enjoy whether that’s reading, going on a walk or going for a swim. This year I am going to make sure that I am going to make time for myself especially with how full on my Masters’ will end up becoming.

Social Anxiety

You may or may not know, I think it’s only people really close to me who do know that I am a bit socially awkward. Anxiety might be a bit extreme but I do get super awkward before something social but I always push myself to take part and eventually I am all good. I was talking to my friends at university about this…they said they would never know because I literally talk to anyone and everyone. I told them that I’m like a duck calm on the surface but paddling like crazy underneath. So although I still push myself and take part I want to try and work on ignoring my thinking about social occasions which helpfully moves on to my next  aspiration.


As I have well explained I have experienced both Depression and Anxiety. Although I am well out of that time of my life. I still experience negative self-talk (I mean I guess everyone does) but although it no where near effects me the same I would like to actively work on it. For example changing how critical I can be about myself and comparing myself to others. So going back to social events the way I think inevitably ends up me thinking over all the conversations I’ve had and the things I’ve said (with a negative tone)…which I know is so stupid! Hence why I want to work on it. I’m not too sure how I am going to work on this though, other than when I do start thinking critically about myself I’m going to consciously stop and try and change the way I’m thinking.

Career and Academia

Similarly this year I am going to concentrate on career progression and the completion of my Masters. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me…for a successful year.

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So I guess this year I am focusing on improving myself amongst other things.  But, above all I am going to continue finding happiness and contentedness, travel and creating memories with my nearest and dearest. So here’s to the laughter, the memories, the little moments, the inevitable challenges that life throws at me but I’m ready.

Here’s to 2019.